Pawling Apartments
Interested:   Text 609 432 0546 for ebrochures with details.
Below is a List of Vacancies for the Summer of 2022.
SUMMER 2022 1204-1 Ocean 1204-2 Ocean 1204-3 Ocean 1206-2 Ocean 1206-3 Ocean 1134-1Wesley

1134-2 Wesley 

Until May 26

$150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly

$150 nightly

Memoral Days May 26 to June 1

$500 $500 $500


June 1 to 11

$200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly

$200 nightly

June 25 to

July 9

$6000 for two weeks

July 2 to 16

$6000 two weeks

Aug 27 to Sept 5

$2000 $2000

The building has stood the test of twenty hurricanes.  Including the most recent one SANDY... WOW!


Built in the roaring twenties, our original apartments have four bedrooms.  Modern conveniences in an old beach house

setting.  Economical rents.  The building has large timbers, large block firewall, that make apartments sound proof.  The

apartments have been owned by the Pawling family for half a century.