Pawling Apartments
Interested:   Text 609 432 0546 for ebrochures with details.
Below is a List of Vacancies for the Summer of 2022.
SUMMER 2022 1204-1 Ocean 1204-2 Ocean 1204-3 Ocean 1206-2 Ocean 1206-3 Ocean 1134-1Wesley

1134-2 Wesley 

Until May 26

$150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly $150 nightly

$150 nightly

Memoral Days May 26 to June 1

$500 $500 $500


June 1 to 11

$200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly $200 nightly

$200 nightly

June 25 to

July 9

$6000 for two weeks

July 2 to 16

$6000 two weeks

Aug 27 to Sept 5

$2000 $2000
